Weber Q Range
Why is it so important to choose the right Weber Q Range?
The Weber Q Range is easily one of our favorite portable grills. These grills are well-built, strong, contemporary and really powerful. Weber Q Range of the gas grill is the ultimate barbeque. These BBQ’s will transform either of these simple old into juicy and really mouth-watering masterpieces. With the right accessories, you can transform your Weber Q range into a conventional oven.
So your Weber can cook roasts with that famous Weber flavours like chicken, beef, pork, lamb, and fish. How about cooking a perfect pizza, vegetables or breakfasts? In fact, it’s so versatile that we can bake cakes, puddings, muffins just like in the oven. Therefore, choosing the right Weber is very important because you have a wide range of models in the Series. Shop the latest Weber – Baby Q, Q series, Family Q, Built-ins, and accessories online or in-store with Heat & Grill in Melbourne.

Weber Baby Q Series

Weber Q Series

Weber Family Q Series

Weber Built-In

Weber Q Accessories
Discover the difference in the Weber Q Premium Range
Weber Premium Qs are available at Heat & Grill, your Local Weber Specialist Dealer

How It Works
Weber Q Cooking System
The Weber Q cooking system has evolved from the legendary Weber kettle. Just about all Australians know that our Weber kettle produces those famous roasts; roasts with that fabulous flavour you just can’t get any other way. But not many people know how this flavour is created. It comes from the smoke that’s circulated around the roast while it is being cooked. This is a unique Weber kettle trait and it’s what made the Weber kettle a world famous icon. So it comes as no surprise that Weber’s research and development team set about trying to reproduce this flavour when developing the Weber Q cooking system. That’s why the Weber Q (even when grilling a steak or a snag) is operated with the lid down. Just like our Weber kettle, all the barbecue smoke is circulated around the food inside, imparting that fabulous flavour to your favourite meals. So the ‘super barbecue’ flavour is created by both branding the meat on hot iron and the natural convection that circulates barbecue smoke all around the meat. It’s this flavour that is the hallmark of the fabulous Weber Q cooking system.

Weber® Q Pays For Itself...
Over and Over Again.
If saving money matters to you, you would have to be crazy to use an old fashioned barbecue that cooks with the lid up more than absolutely necessary. Cooking with the lid raised is like using the air conditioning on a 400C day and leaving the roof wide open. And the figures prove it. Vince Monsigneur, the CEO of Gastrain Ltd (his company trains BHP Billiton and AGL gas employees), points out that running a typical four burner barbecue (72 MJ) three times a week for five years will cost you about $1,750 in gas. Weber’s ultra-efficient lid-down cooking system is an absolute winner. Running a baby Q just as often will cost you only $210, a mid-sized Weber Q will cost $300 and a Family Q $530.* So using a Weber Q will save you anywhere from $1,200 to $1,500 in gas alone. Makes a cheap four burner barbecue look very expensive, doesn’t it? These days, so many people save money by using a Q nearly all of the time. It’s not just the money though; once people experience the flavour of Weber’s lid down cooking, they just can’t accept cooking the old way again.